Friday, July 13, 2007

New Archbishop for Baltimore

I really hate talking negatively about bishops. I believe, quite firmly, that men under holy orders should be given the benefit of every doubt.

That said, I was cautiously pleased to see the announcement that Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of the U.S. Armed Services Archdiocese was appointed to succeed Cardinal William Keeler as Archbishop of Baltimore. I have heard shadowy adumbrations of Archbishop O'Brien's stance on life and other critical church issues.

A well-placed man can do a great deal of good. A poorly-placed man can do a corresponding amount of harm. The See of Baltimore is the primatial see for these United States. The man in that position will be pivotal for the course of the Church in the U.S.

Many of my friends may be surprised at this, but I have been hoping that the U.S. bishops would make an all-out final stand on abortion in this country. By that I mean explicitly denying the Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians. I think the time is well past due. I secretly hope that Archbishop O'Brien will be the man to do it.

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